Innovative pedagogical strategies for socio-emotional development in early education
Early education, socioemotional development, pedagogical strategies, emotional intelligence, playAbstract
Social-emotional development in early education is fundamental for the integral well-being of children and their adaptation to the school environment. This article analyzes innovative pedagogical strategies that promote emotional and social skills from the early educational stages. Recent studies that address the impact of approaches such as play-based learning, emotional intelligence, collaborative work and the use of educational technologies on children's social-emotional development were reviewed. The results show that play-based learning favors emotional self-regulation, conflict resolution and empathy, while activities related to emotional intelligence enhance children's ability to express and understand their emotions. Likewise, collaborative work fosters cooperation and social interaction, contributing to the construction of positive relationships. For their part, educational technologies offer interactive tools to complement socioemotional learning in a personalized way. It is concluded that these strategies should be integrated into early education programs, prioritizing teacher training and the design of activities that respond to the emotional needs of children. Promoting socioemotional development from infancy contributes to integral learning and to the formation of responsible and empathetic citizens.
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