Keratoconus in the community of Tulcán, Carchi province, Ecuador, 2022
Keratoconus, corneal signs, topographyAbstract
Keratoconus is a bilateral, non-inflammatory degeneration that causes an increase in corneal curvature and is accompanied by irregular astigmatism. In order to characterize patients with keratoconus treated at Opticas Tulcán in the province of Carchi, Ecuador, from March to August 2021, an observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out. 48 patients diagnosed with keratoconus were studied. Sociodemographic variables such as age, sex, and clinical variables were studied, such as a history of ocular and general diseases, clinical signs, topographic values, and degree of keratoconus, for which the distribution of absolute frequencies and the percentage were produced as a summary measure. The data was processed using the statistical package SPSS version 19.0 for Windows and later tabulated or graphed. It was observed that the age group with the highest frequency was between 20 and 24 years of age (35.41%) with a predominance of the male sex. An insignificant percentage of family history of keratoconus was determined, 39.58% of the sample did not present associated general diseases and from the ocular point of view allergic keratoconjunctivitis predominated. Grade I keratoconus was the most representative, with the most evident topographic pattern being the symmetrical central cone and the most relevant sign being the Fleischer ring. There was a predominance of moderate visual impairment in 39 patients. Keratoconus is a real problem in patients treated at Opticas Tulcán, requiring early diagnosis and timely treatment.
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