Liability for non-compliance with obligations in civil matters




Non-compliance, obligations, contractual liability, civil liability


This study addresses regulatory issues related to liability derived from civil obligations. Many people, including jurists, confuse the nature of the liability derived from civil obligations and limit themselves to considering that civil liability is only enforceable when there is a prior legal relationship, restricting the right to claim what the law itself has provided. The clarification of such points, both in the doctrinal and legal technical order, allows a practice appropriate to the needs of the protection of rights. The Civil Code in Ecuador is quite outdated compared to other legal regulations of the State itself, due to its lack of updating. Academics, lawyers and jurists in general demand its modernization, not only because of the institutions and terms it uses but because it is no longer consistent with the needs of society. Civil liability derived from contracts, or caused by events that cause harm to another, for crimes and quasi-delicts are topics of special relevance in this investigation and their understanding will allow the reader to clarify essential elements that are of special importance for legal operators. and for people in general.


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How to Cite

Torres-Feijoó, M. del C. ., Tinitana-Calva, D. M. ., & Durán-Ocampo, A. R. . (2025). Liability for non-compliance with obligations in civil matters. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 8(1), 162-172.