Padlet: Technological tool for the teaching-learning process in the subject Clinical Surgical Nursing




Teaching-learning process, technological tool, nursing


The teaching-learning process (PEA) is comprehensive and complex, aimed at the development of skills and abilities. It is directed by subject programs, with attractive objectives, methods and strategies that facilitate learning. The two fundamental actors of the PEA: the student and teacher; They play an important role in building knowledge and developing critical thinking. Teaching has been based on traditional methods, however, new pedagogical currents have shown that the student has a dynamic and interactive function. The use of (ICT) and (TAC), through the implementation of tools in the educational field, has been relevant. At the Instituto Superior Tecnológico Bolivariano, the Padlet tool has been used in various subjects, particularly in Clinical Surgical Nursing, as a strategy to improve the PEA. A quantitative, descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out with the objective of evaluating the impact of the Padlet tool on the PEA of the Clinical Surgical Nursing subject, with a sample of 50 students. They expressed satisfaction with the frequent use of the tool, it facilitated collaborative work, case analysis and knowledge retention. It was concluded that the use of the Padlet significantly improved the PEA in the subject.


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How to Cite

García-Martínez, I. ., Vecilla-Nicola, P. K. ., & Suárez-Suárez, G. . (2025). Padlet: Technological tool for the teaching-learning process in the subject Clinical Surgical Nursing. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 8(1), 128-133.