Determinants of the intention to purchase electric vehicles in Ecuadorian women
Electric vehicles, purchasing intention, Ecuadorian women, environmental sustainability, automotive technologyAbstract
This study analyzed the determinants of the decision to purchase electric vehicles in Ecuadorian women, focusing on this market segment because of its relevance in the context of sustainability initiatives. A quantitative research, of explanatory scope, with a non-experimental cross-sectional design was used. Data collection was carried out by means of a questionnaire applied to a total of 103 women in various provinces of the country. The results highlight that the acquisition cost, maintenance costs, charging infrastructure, sociocultural and psychosocial factors, as well as regulatory policies, influence the EV purchase decision of the sample of women surveyed. The study provides valuable insights into the barriers and motivations that Ecuadorian women face when considering the purchase of an EV, offering guidelines for marketers and policy makers to encourage the adoption of EVs in this important market sector.
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