Digital violence against women and artificial intelligence. Cuban and Ecuadorian legal environments
Digital violence, artificial intelligence, deepfakesAbstract
The research is framed in the analysis of digital violence, specifically when it is mediated by artificial intelligence, this affects more women than men, so, undoubtedly, it has to be examined from a gender perspective. In the digital space there is a reproduction of discriminatory and violent behaviors against women that are normalized and even encouraged in physical reality. The use of artificial intelligence generates emerging technological resources that have also been used in behaviors that involve gender violence in new forms of cyberbullying. The purpose of this research is to determine the influence of artificial intelligence in a specific manifestation of gender violence, which is digital violence resulting from the growing technological advances that influence social environments and in a multicausal phenomenon such as gender violence, with a brief approach to the Cuban and Ecuadorian legal system. It is a referative research with a qualitative approach, because it is a recently appeared topic, a systematization on the subject is carried out, the descriptive legal method is applied, the analytical exegetic method and the analysis of documents, from the examination of the norms that confer treatment to digital violence in Cuba and Ecuador, in the criminal field approved recently.
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