Project-based learning and sociocultural competence. Theoretical considerations
Project based learning, sociocultural competence, information and communication technologiesAbstract
The present work attempts to establish the links and potential of PBL and ICT in the development of sociocultural competence in the EFL classroom. Unlike traditional activities in the classroom, Project based learning (PBL) finds its basis on group activities related to the real world, that use real technological tools, are required to be completed in a pre-set time frame, and which final result is a product. At the same time, the latest tendencies in language teaching with a communicative approach suggest the study of the different sociocultural environments in which communication takes place. And the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) continues to encourage discovery, analysis and decoding a wide range of social and cultural perceptions of the world from the communicative, social and inclusive point of view.
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