Law students mentorship at the Metropolitan University of ecuador: action plan
Tutorship in Higher Education, accompaniment, diagnosis, action planAbstract
This paper explains the process followed for the development of the tutorship plan for the Law program at the Metropolitan University of Ecuador (UMET), based on the analysis of the literature related to the higher education tutorship, as well as the UMET Tutorship Procedures Manual, and the Law program mission and vision, as to establish the guidelines for the organization, planning and control of the students´ tutorship, starting from the levering stage for the students insertion in the Program. This analysis allowed the creation, application and analysis of a diagnosis to characterize the students. The diagnosis analysis helped distinguishing the tutorship most vulnerable areas. The authors set the goals to be achieved by each vulnerable area needing tutorship, and the corresponding actions for each objective to be achieved. Through the literature analysis, and the discussion among the teachers, authors observed the need to work on training teachers and heads to become aware of the tutorship conception and types of accompaniment that students need throughout their studies, as well as the creation of the action plan for each vulnerable area, including actions for the control and improvement of such plan.
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