Production of house fly larvae (Musca domestica L.) With different proportion of filter cake and hens manure
Food, temperature, treatment, weight, bacteriaAbstract
The effect of the production of fly larvae in different substrates at different heights was evaluated. For this, a completely randomized bifactorial design was established with the following factors: Factor 1 – quantity of substrate (filter cake and hens manure, %), Factor 2 - height of the substrate in magenta (three and five, cm). A- 100 filter cake; B- 25% hens manure + 75% filter cake; C- 50% hens manure + 50% filter cake; D- 75% hens manure + 25% filter cake; E- 100% hens manure at three centimeters in height and E, F, G, H, I with the same proportions of substrates at five centimeters in height. Each interaction was replicated three times. The corresponding statistical analyses were performed for P <0.05 to P <0.01. The proportions of substrates with their height do not influence the yield of fly larvae. Fly larvae develop between ambient temperatures of 12.50 oC and 30.40 oC with relative humidity between 42.0% and 75.0%. The highest yield of fly larvae was obtained with the highest proportions of chicken manure of 75% and 100%, influenced by the number of larvae. Salmonella spp were not found on the substrates neither E. coli.
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