The professional pedagogic culture of the school librarian


  • Eugenia del Carmen Mora Quintana Universidad de Cienfuegos. Cuba. Autor/a
  • Dignora Soto Gómez Universidad de Cienfuegos. Cuba. Autor/a
  • María Magdalena López Rodríguez del Rey Universidad de Cienfuegos. Cuba. Autor/a



School librarian, professional pedagogic culture


The Professional Pedagogic immersed Culture in all the changes, justifies that the formation of the school librarian must answer to new conceptions to achieve in a systematic way the development of contents that are translated in ways of thinking and to act, opposite to the concrete problems that him there raises the professional and social life: to dominate the contents of education of the level at which it is employed, to dominate the Sciences of the Education that him contribute the scientific and cultural tools to direct the processes informacionales in the school, which would allow to approach a cultural conception that promotes the development of a Professional Pedagogic Culture of the school librarians.


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How to Cite

Mora Quintana, E. del C. ., Soto Gómez, D. ., & López Rodríguez del Rey, M. M. (2018). The professional pedagogic culture of the school librarian. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 1(2), 36-41.